MCADD is a genetic, metabolic disorder that is often identified in newborns through state newborn screening programs.  In the simplest terms, people with MCADD have an enzyme that is either missing or broken and without that enzyme, they are unable to break down certain fats into energy.  Many people with MCADD will live very normal, healthy lives with only a couple precautions.  First, they cannot fast for long periods of time.  Their metabolism cannot tolerate this and they can become hypoglycemic more quickly than the average person.  Second, they need to be very vigilant to remain well fed and well hydrated during times of illness.  If they are unable to do so on their own, IV fluid support at a hospital will ensure that they do not spiral into hypoglycemia and/or a dangerous metabolic crisis. 

For more information about MCADD and how it affects metabolism, visit MCADD Explained:  http://mcaddformoms.blogspot.com/2012/03/mcadd-explained.html

For more information about the genetics behind how MCADD is inherited, visit, MCADD – It’s Genetic!  http://mcaddformoms.blogspot.com/2012/03/mcadd-its-genetic.html

For a full description of MCADD from outside sources:

Much of the information I incorporate in these explanatory MCADD blogs was derived from these outside sources.

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