Thursday, March 15, 2012


It has been a little over a week since our new baby was born and a little under a week since we found out about his metabolic condition.  In the midst of all the activity of the last few days, I am overwhelmed with gratitude.  I am truly thankful for so very many things...
  1. The infant screening program in Colorado that includes an expanded panel of metabolic disorders, including MCADD. This expansion has only been in effect since 2006. Before that, parents of MCADD kids didn't know they had a problem until they became very gravely ill. Thank goodness for early identification. It saves lives!
  2. Medical technology that allows disorders like this to be identified early in the first place.
  3. The people at the infant screening lab who identified LB's abnormal results and started making phone calls, even though it was very late on a Friday night and they could very well have just gone home instead of taking action.
  4. The staff at the metabolic clinic at Children's Hospital who declared this an urgent situation and mobilized all of their resources to find us on Friday night.
  5. Our pediatrician who tracked us down during his Friday night to make sure LB was OK and to give us the information we needed to keep him safe.
  6. The nursing assistant at the hospital who encouraged me to give LB just a few drops of formula when he was having trouble latching on Wednesday night. Knowing what we know now, in retrospect, that little bit of food in his tummy during the time that my milk wasn't in yet may very well have been life-saving.
  7. The lactation consultants at the hospital who are helping me through some breastfeeding difficulties with LB to help ensure he gets the immunities provided by my breastmilk so that he can stay healthy.
  8. The informative appointment with the metabolic clinic today (more on that later -- there's a lot of info to relay).
  9. Having the nation's #5 ranked children's hospital right here in our backyard and having a direct line to a metabolic physician 24/7 in case we ever have an emergency.
  10. My Mom, who has been cooking our meals and doing our dishes and washing our laundry and boiling bottles/nipples/pacifiers and keeping our older son entertained and sending me upstairs to take naps and giving me lots of hugs. I have no idea how we would have made it through this week without her here.
  11. My husband, who has been chauffering us to a myriad of appointments all week, not to mention helping me in and out of the car (still recovering from the c-section), taking middle of the night feeding shifts and also regularly sending me to bed so that I can get some rest. You are my rock through all of this and I love you so much!
  12. Our older son, who has been an awesomely loving and gentle big brother and who has been on his best behavior for his grandparents, despite the major upheaval in his world over the last week and a half. He's a real trooper.
  13. My new baby - LB!  He is an absolute joy and an incredibly cooperative baby. He is an excellent eater (hooray!), a great sleeper and he has barely cried during all of the blood draws and doctor's appointments. Also a real trooper!
  14. My quick recovery from the c-section. I am feeling great in record time. I can even put on my own shoes now.
  15. All the prayers from family and friends that have supported us throughout the last week. We can feel them working.
  16. All of the caring phone calls from the pediatrician and the metabolic clinic all week to check up on us and make sure LB is doing ok. Everyone is very focused on his health and well-being and I know that we will have all the medical support we could ever need if anything ever happens.
  17. Being done with doctor's appointments for awhile. Other than my 2-week post-c-section check-up next week, our calendar is much more open from here on out. That leaves lots of time to snuggle at home with our boys and nothing could make me happier than that.
  18. A week of lovely 70 degree weather that has allowed for easy travel to/from all of our appointments and ample opportunities for our older son to play outside (one of his favorite things to do).
  19. Grandmas who sprung into action to buy us newborn clothes and diapers (our older son checked in at over 9 lbs and never wore newborn sizes...needless to say, we weren't expecting such a little guy this time around).
  20. Not being scared anymore.  LB is going to be just fine.

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