Friday, April 6, 2012

One Month

It has been one month since LB joined our family...and what an eventful month it has been! We've had our share of hurdles -- both hurdles typical to those anyone would encounter as a newborn enters your life and a few unique ones on top of that because of his MCADD -- but, all in all, it has been a great first month.

We are so fortunate that LB is such a happy and cooperative baby. He likes to sleep, which is great. He must be doing lots of growing to always be so sleepy. He is starting to show some interest in toys and especially in the mobile over his crib. He gets very excited when the music plays and the animals dance around as he gazes up at them. He also likes to watch his big brother, which is fun for us to watch. He was laying on his quilt today and our older son was playing near him, sort of near his head.  LB practically rolled over since he was looking over the top of his head trying to keep an eye on his big brother.

LB has also been very tolerant of all of the affection bestowed upon him by his brother. He is the lucky recipient of many exuberant kisses and an endless supply of toys to play with. His big brother absolutely loves him and is the proudest big brother in town.

Husband and I are also adjusting pretty well to being the parents of two little boys. We go to bed tired at night, that's for sure, and we also go to bed feeling incredibly blessed. The fun is just beginning!

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