Friday, January 31, 2014

LB Speak

LB is talking up a storm lately.  I've heard of kids with MCADD having speech delays, but this definitely hasn't been the case with him.  He's saying new things every day and is surprisingly understandable, even to people who don't spend much time with him.  He's getting so good at talking, in fact, that he's starting to create his own words.  For example:

M'uice (a portmanteau of More and Juice)
Pronounced:  Moose
Used in a sentence:  "Mommy, M'uice please!"

Y'o (a portmanteau of Yes and No) and sometimes N'yes
Pronounced:  Yo and Ni-yes
Used in a sentence:  Although he was cold, he was definitely having a lot of fun playing in the snow.  When I asked LB if he was ready to go inside, he was torn about how to answer, so he told me "Y'o." ("N'yes")

My favorite thing that he says (which he said for the very first time tonight as I was tucking him into bed) is "I love you Mommy."

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